Electronics Lab

Electronics Lab:
Electronics is the backbone of all the researches so it become important to study the affect of electronics to our output . The Electronics Lab is helpful to:  
Introduce basic topologies of power switching circuits;Study basic electronic components;
   To observe characteristics of electronic devices;
Provide the students with the basic  foundation for analysis, design, test and control of power electronics converters by simulation and experimentation.

Resources in Lab:


     Resistors ( 39 kΩ, 33 kΩ, 27 kΩ, 15 kΩ, 10 kΩ etc.)
     Capacitors (220 μF, 1000 μF, 2200 μF, 4700 μF etc.)  Rheostats, Keys, Commutator (Two way keys), Bread Boards  Regulated Power Supplies, Battery Eliminator
     Boards for studying LED characteristics
     Optical Trainer
     Electromagnet SET up for Hall Effect Study, Colpitt Oscillators, Hartley Oscillator, Microprocessor Kit, Multivibrator (Monostable and Bistable), Planck’s Constant, GM Counter
     Digital Multimeters

Major Equipments:
Digital Storage Oscilloscope
RLC Circuit
Energy band gap
Modulation & Demodulation
Hartley Oscillator


                Hartley oscillator

                        RC Circuits

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